

Spectrum Resource Center

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Aligning Plan Design with Your Goals

We focus on aligning your retirement plan design to your specific situation. By determining the plan design that’s the right fit, you’ll be well positioned to take full advantage of the special savings and tax treatments afforded qualified retirement plans. Take a couple of minutes to watch this Spectrum Employer Connect video to refresh yourself on the broad retirement plan design options available.

Advantages of an Unbundled Retirement Plan Solution

Buying “off the rack” can be cost effective, but often limits choice and flexibility. And we all know that a custom approach will typically offer the best fit. This analogy accurately describes the difference between a “bundled” 401(k) solution from a single provider and an “unbundled” solution delivered by multiple expert specialists. In this episode of Spectrum Employer Connect we contrast bundled and unbundled platforms. We invite you to take a few minutes to watch the video and review the accompanying Action Doc.
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Spectrum Update and Service Enhancements Q4'2018

Q4'2018 was a strong quarter for Spectrum. We were thrilled that one of Spectrum's clients, Seattle Indian Health Board, was recognized as ABG's Plan Sponsor of the Year. Spectrum enhanced participant account security by implementing multi-factor authentication on its retirement platform. Finally, we launched a Cash Balance Pension Plan Calculator, to show employers whether cash balance pension plans might make sense for their organizations.

Understanding Financial Statement Audits

While we hope you never have had to experience it, you’re no doubt familiar with the idea of an audit of your personal or corporate tax return. But, you may not be familiar with an audit of your qualified retirement plan. This Spectrum Employer Connect video explains the situations where a financial statement audit may be required. Understanding when and for whom these audits are required can help ease your concerns over the prospect of a plan audit.

Maximizing a Business Owner’s Retirement Benefit

It’s a common story – business owners put everything into their businesses for years before being in a financial position to put real money away for retirement. That might describe your situation. This Spectrum Employer Connect video highlights a number of very effective plan design options that can help you realize your full retirement savings potential.

Understanding How Forfeitures Work in Your Retirement Plan

We know that employee contributions to a 401(k) plan must always be 100% vested. However, employer contributions may have a vesting schedule attached to them. That means, when employees leave the company and plan, they may leave behind forfeitures. This Spectrum Employer Connect video highlights the advantages of using vesting for employer contributions. And we also discuss the most common methods for treating plan forfeitures.

The Loan They Never Take May Make All the Difference

Today, there's a good bit of debate about how participant loans affect long-term retirement outcomes. So, how do we best view these plan options and – more importantly – how do we coach employees on their use? In this video, we offer a perspective of loans and hardships within the context of financial wellness. We invite you to watch the video and review the accompanying Action Doc to gain insight on how to help employees think more critically about managing their financial realities and saving for their future.

Plan Fiduciary Services and Why They Matter

In a plan sponsor's capacity as fiduciary to its plan, the plan sponsor has a variety of specific responsibilities to manage–or–outsource to a professional, qualified third party. A 3(16) fiduciary service is the mechanism where you, as plan sponsor, can outsource some, or all, of your administrative fiduciary responsibilities. This video highlights these administrative fiduciary responsibilities and your options to manage or delegate this role to a 3(16) fiduciary service provider.

Spectrum Update and Service Enhancements Q3'2018

Q3'2018 was an exciting quarter. Among other things, we celebrated Spectrum's 40th birthday party at Tacoma Country and Golf Club; we hosted the 13th annual Spectrum Open Charity Golf Tournament and Dinner Event; we implemented the Spectrum Client Portal to streamline retirement plan implementations; we launched our cybersecurity awareness training services.


professional plan design practice 401k defined benefit pension loan participant loan investing margin spectrum open golf pano cancer event tournament philanthropy retirement readiness fiduciary rule tax cuts newsletter cybersecurity plan termination merger acquisition gender retirement gap lifetime income investment returns women men fees dol documents compliance press release bi cloud technology azure plan intelligence docusign microsoft myretirement limits irs retirement plan contribution plan faq participant questions payroll finwell plan education financial wellness employees financial stress education entreprenuers business accumulation startup wealth asset allocation investments fis innovation ira technology charity award 40th anniversary celebration impact fiduciary tax deduction participant outcomes uncashed checks distributions automation recordkeeping case study millennials soc-1 portal psoy cash balance plan sponsor of the year abg mfa enrollment escalation video automatic qdia qualified default investment alternative roth debt credit saving safe harbor nondiscrimination adp acp top-heavy plan sponsor 3(16) erisa hardship withdrawal audit bond owner bundled unbundled forfeiture forfeit vested vesting consulting employer connect reports student loans db/dc providers services guide erisawrap welfare benefit plan fundraiser document cancer reserach retirement confidence unvested vested account balance wrap spd wrap document plan document welfare benefits employee benefits healthcare wrap market volatility participant behavior socially responsible esg plan participation spectrumopen spd wrapspd spectrumplatform qaca participation restate restatement erisa bond fidelity bond bonding goals plan amendment secure act SECURE secure act of 2019 legislation secureact secureact2019 secureactof2019 election 2020 coronavirus covid-19 business continuity cares act cares covid19 relief retirement plan relief the cares act covid the secure act workforce demographics older employees engagement SECURE 2.0 Act Retirement Plan Legislation 401(k) cbpp defined contribution

ERISA Workplace Retirement Plan Limits

The federal government annually publishes updated qualified retirement plan limits, which impact the contributions, benefit accruals, and compliance of ERISA covered qualified retirement plans. The below tables summarize the most significant changes in recent history.