Spectrum FinWell™ - a Comprehensive Workplace Financial Wellness Program.

Employers are recognizing that financial stress is attacking both their company cultures, and their bottom line. Our financial wellness program addresses the root causes of employee financial stress, and is designed to improve individual financial outcomes, while delivering a meaningful ROI to employers.

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A Worker's Financial Stress Impacts Employers Adversely

Influencing Positive Behavioral Changes

Our workplace financial wellness program has proven demonstrable results. The below charts reflect the percentage of Spectrum FinWell™ Participants taking actions to improve their finances within 30 days of participating.

Top Three Actions Taken by Spectrum FinWell™ Participants to Improve Financial Outcomes

Reduce Debt Save Money Lower Stress Love Life Reduce Debt With Spectrum FinWell

Spectrum FinWell™ Workplace Financial Wellness Program Features

Turn-Key Automated Marketing

Turn-key Automated Marketing Campaigns: Fifteen automated email promotions - customized for workplaces and your business - designed to reinforce the financial wellness benefit, increasing value to the employee and to the employer.

Personal Financial Wellness Assessment

Patent-Pending Online Financial Learning Center with Personalized Financial Wellness Assessment: The Personal Financial Wellness Assessment is a completely individualized report. Spectrum FinWell™ Participants get a 1-10 score and a personal action plan with action items that can be implemented immediately.
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Online Financial Learning Center

Patent-Pending Online Financial Learning Center: Employees have access to a branded Financial Learning Center with a wealth of resources including targeted content, videos, and calculators. The Personal Action Plan links Spectrum FinWell™ Participants to the specific resources they need.
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Workplace Financial Wellness Assessment

Employers receive an annual comprehensive analysis across all employees designed to identify key vulnerabilities that can be addressed through additional education and to track progress year over year.
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CFP® Professional Financial Helpline

Unlimited Access to Phone-Based Financial Coaching: Employees have unlimited access to a dedicated toll-free number where they can speak with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional on any financial topic ranging from establishing a budget to estate planning.

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